Credit Flexibility
Katie Pospisil, Coordinator of Secondary Curriculum and Instruction
(513) 858-7123
Students who wish to participate in the credit flexibility program will be required to complete a Credit Flexibility Application in which they will identify their educational goals, identify the standards they will demonstrate, and create a timeline for completion. The purpose of the credit flexibility option is to develop learners who plan their own research, learning objectives, and an academic agenda whereby they will attain those objectives outside a traditional classroom. The policy will provide a personalized educational opportunity for all students in which they will identify, acquire, and demonstrate the proficiency of their knowledge through standards to earn high school graduation credit. All Credit Flexibility Applications must be reviewed and approved by a committee of Fairfield City School District personnel. The Credit Flexibility Applications, which are available for download (below) and are also available in the Guidance Office, must be returned to the Guidance Office by August 1 for a full-year course or a first semester course and by December 1 for a second-semester course.
Click the links below to access the following:
- Credit Flexibility Student Handbook
- Long Application Form - Use this form for distance learning, educational travel, independent study, internships, after school/tutorial program, or community service
- Short Application Form - Use this form for testing out of a class and online options
- Formulario de Solicitud Breve en Español - Utilize este formulario si desea la opción en línea o si desea tomar la evaluación equivalente a la clase