Erin's Law
Erin's Law - Grades 7 - 12
School districts are required by Ohio law (Senate Bill 288) to provide instruction on dating violence and sexual violence prevention in grades 7-12.
By law, the instructional materials are not related to any organization that provides, promotes, counsels or makes referrals for abortion or abortion-related services.
This instruction will
- take place during high school health classes and be provided by our certified health teachers;
- include the use of the Safe Dates curriculum, which was approved by the Ohio Department of Education; and
- include recognizing dating violence warning signs and characteristics of healthy relationships.
Upon written request, a parent/guardian can opt their student out of the instruction. If the parent/guardian submits to the principal a written request to examine the materials used at the school, the principal, within 48 hours after the request is made, shall allow the parent/guardian to examine those materials at that school.
Erin's Law - Grades K - 6
School districts are required by Ohio law (Senate Bill 288) to provide developmentally appropriate instruction in grades K-6 on child abuse prevention including information on available counseling and resources for children who are sexually abused.
Other requirements of the law are listed below.
- This instruction must take place annually.
- By law, the instructional materials are not related to any organization that provides, promotes, counsels or makes referrals for abortion or abortion-related services.
- The instruction will be provided by the school counselor and will utilize aspects of the curriculum from Fight Child Abuse which is an Ohio Department of Education-approved curriculum. Our school counselors will have specific details about the curriculum.
Upon written request of the parent/guardian, a student shall be excused from taking instruction in child sexual abuse prevention. Requests should be submitted to your child’s building principal.
If the parent/guardian submits to the principal a written request to examine the materials used at the school, the principal, within 48 hours after the request is made, shall allow the parent/guardian to examine those materials at that school.