North Elementary Home
6116 Morris Road
6116 Morris Road
Fairfield, Ohio 45011
Phone: 513-868-0070
Fax: 513-868-3621
Attendance email (to report a student absence)
School Hours:
Student Hours: 9:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 9:30 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.
PM Kindergarten: 1:20-4:00 p.m.
Office Hours:
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (School Year)

Principal: Mrs. Denise Hayes

Assistant Principal: Mrs. Cathy Landeen

Bullying and Harassment Specialist/Title IX Coordinator: Ms. Jennie Thompson

This is Kelsee, our amazing facility dog! We obtained Kelsee from Circle Tail, an organization renowned for training exceptional service dogs, and she is a beloved member of our school family! Facility dogs like her are specially trained to offer physical, social, cognitive, or emotional support in places like schools, classrooms, and courthouses. Having a dog at school can boost self-esteem, enhance problem-solving skills, encourage physical activity, foster responsibility, and relieve stress and anxiety. Be sure to ask your child all about her and say hi if you see her at school! She’s a sweetheart!
Check out the New Culture Club Web Page!
Visit the link on the right side of this page, or click here:
School Fees:
School fees for grades 1, 2, 3, and 5 are $60; grade 4 is $66; and kindergarten school fees are $40. You may pay school fees online at using MasterCard or Visa. Click on the PaySchools Central Link or you may pay with cash, money order, or check payable to Fairfield North Elementary. Fees were due September 27.
Final Forms:
Update student information by accessing your Final Forms account at Before the beginning of the school year, please log into your account and electronically sign all forms/update contact information. All forms must be electronically signed for your account to be considered complete. Incomplete forms will remain red until they are completed. Final Forms is where the school accesses contact information in the event there is a school emergency. If you have questions about your account, please contact the school office: (513) 868-0070 or email the Registration Office at [email protected].
School Supplies:
All school supply lists are posted online at
Parent Weekly Email:
To improve communication with our North Families, we would like everyone to sign up to receive our parent emails. Follow the steps below to register:
- Go to
- Click on the link on the right that reads, “Sign Up for Parent E-Mail News.”. Click on “North News.”
- This will take you to a page to subscribe.
Below is the link for you to register with Procare Connect:
Think Straight A’s: Academics, Attitude, Attendance
At North Elementary, Every Child is a S.T.A.R.-
A Student Taking Academic Responsibility!
I am Responsible, I am Respectful, I am Safe, I am a Problem Solver!
At North Elementary we believe your child needs to possess all three "A" characteristics in order to thrive in their educational career:
Attendance - Students cannot learn if they are not in school. Please make every attempt to make sure your child arrives to school on time and ready to learn!
Attitude - A positive attitude goes a long way! We encourage our students to have an "I CAN" attitude during their school day and beyond. Our current Positive Behavior Supports system of rewarding students for exhibiting expected behaviors is also key for the respectful attitude displayed in our building. We live by the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated!
Academics - Students at North receive a firm foundation of academic skills to build their future learning. We believe academic success is not a race - it's a journey!