Student Services Home
The Student Services Department provides the resources necessary to support students and remove barriers to learning. Registered nurses in our schools, the School-Based Health Center, our nutritious lunch program, and a latchkey program, are among the services we provide.
Additionally, we have support from a Bullying and Harassment Specialist/Title IX Officer, a Safe Schools tipline, and other safe and secure school measures.
Student Services Staff (listed alphabetically)
Robert Corner, SRO - Senior High School & Compass Elementary
Crista Duggins, Food and Nutrition Field Specialist
Bri Mossman, SRO - Creekside Middle & South Elementary
Zach Shust, SRO - Freshman School & West Elementary
Jennie Thompson, Bullying and Harassment Specialist/Title IX Coordinator
Scott Webb, DARE Officer - Elementary Schools
Tabitha Wurzelbacher, EMIS Assistant/Attendance Officer - Registration Office