Student Services » Student Services Home

Student Services Home

Matt Crapo Photo
Matthew Crapo, Director of Student Services
The Student Services Department provides the resources necessary to support students and remove barriers to learning. Registered nurses in our schools, the School-Based Health Center, our nutritious lunch program, and a latchkey program, are among the services we provide.
Additionally, we have support from a Bullying and Harassment Specialist/Title IX Officer, a Safe Schools tipline, and other safe and secure school measures. 
Student Services Staff (listed alphabetically)
Robert Corner, SRO - Senior High School & Compass Elementary
Crista Duggins, Food and Nutrition Field Specialist
Cheryl Geisler, EMIS Coordinator/Student Registration Center
Bri Mossman, SRO - Creekside Middle & South Elementary
Mara Powell, Director of Food Service
Mischelle Price,  Latchkey Coordinator 
Zach Shust, SRO - Freshman School & West Elementary
Jennie Thompson, Bullying and Harassment Specialist/Title IX Coordinator
Scott Webb, DARE Officer - Elementary Schools
Tabitha Wurzelbacher, EMIS Assistant/Attendance Officer - Registration Office