East Elementary » East Elementary Home

East Elementary Home

Graphic of the words #FairfieldPride in red type with a faded version of the district seal behind it. At the bottom is wrriten Excellence. Preparation for Life. Opportunities for All.



6711 Morris Road 

Fairfield, Ohio 45011 

Phone: 513-737-5000 

Fax: 513-737-5225  


School Hours 

8:45-3:15 p.m. 

A.M. Preschool & Kindergarten:

8:45-11:25 a.m. 

P.M. Preschool & Kindergarten:

12:35-3:15 p.m. 


Office Hours 

7:45-3:45 p.m. 


Attendance email (to report a student absence) 

[email protected] 

Roxanna Woyat photo
Principal: Mrs. Roxanna Woyat
 Jonathan McEldowney photo
Assistant Principal: Mr. Jonathan McEldowney
Jennie Thompson photo
Bullying and Harassment Specialist/Title IX Coordinator: Ms. Jennie Thompson
Click here to file a bullying and harassment complaint.
Facility Dog: Tessi
Facility Dog: Tessi
Meet Tessi, Fairfield East's facility dog. Tessi comes to us from Circle Tail, an organization that trains highly skilled service-oriented dogs. Facility Dogs are specially trained to provide physical, social, cognitive, or emotional assistance to community members in schools/classrooms, courthouses, and more. Having a dog at school can help with improving self-esteem, problem-solving skills, encourage body movement, encourage responsibility, and relieve stress/anxiety. Tessi, loves her toys, treats, and her Fairfield East Family. 

2024-2025 Back to School Information  

Class Lists  

All class assignments will be mailed to families on August 1, 2024.  


Back To School Bash 

The Back-to-School Bash is on Saturday, August 3! The event, hosted by the FCSD Community Diversity Alliance, will again be at Crossroads Middle School from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. It offers backpacks, school supplies, refreshments, and much more - ALL FREE - thanks to the generosity of our community partners. For the third straight year, student-athletes and coaches will provide hands-on fun with stations for Bash-goers to try. Activities will take place in Fairfield Alumni Stadium.

Please note: Your child must be present to receive a backpack and school supplies. 


Open House  

Open House will be in person on Wednesday, August 7, 2024. The schedule is as follows:  

Sensory Friendly (invitation only) 5:00-5:30 p.m.                          

Preschool A.M., Kinder A.M., 5:00-5:45 p.m.  

Grades 1-5 with last names beginning with letters A-L, 5:30-6:15 p.m.  

Preschool P.M., Kinder P.M., 6:00-6:45 p.m.  

Grades 1-5 with last names beginning with letters M-Z, 6:15-7:00 p.m.                                             

***Families with students with different last names may choose which last name group they will attend.    


Staggered Start/First Days of School  

The first day of school for students in grades prek-5 with last names beginning with letters A-L is Thursday, August 8, 2024. Students with last names beginning with letters M-Z will not attend school on August 8th 


The first day of school for students in grades k-5 with last names beginning with M-Z is Friday, August 9, 2024. Students with the last names A-L will not attend school on Friday, August 9th. Preschoolers don’t attend school on Fridays.  


The first day of school for preschool students with last names beginning with M-Z is Monday, August 12, 2024.   


Schoolwide Rules and Expectations 

Be Responsible, Be Respectful, and Be safe! 

Fairfield East students follow our 3 rules like CHAMPS! 


C - Conversation 

H - Help 

A - Activity 

M - Movement 

P - Participation 

S - Success 


School Absences  

Regular attendance is important for a successful education. However, we know there are situations that may cause children to miss school. If your child will be absent, please notify us by emailing East Attendance. This email will serve as a written note for the absence.  


School Fees  



Grades 1-3 and 5-$60.00  

Grade 4-$66.00  


Methods of Payment 

You may pay school fees online at www.fairfieldcityschools.com using MasterCard or VisaClick on PaySchools Central link, or you may pay with cash, money order, credit card, or by check payable to Fairfield East Elementary.  

Fees are due Friday, September 27, 2024 

***Please note: Any student who owes school fees, fines and/or charges will be excluded from participating in extracurricular activities. This includes, but is not limited to chorus, intramural basketball, student council, talent shows, and school plays.  

***It is important to note: Instructional fees will be waived for a student approved for free breakfast/lunch through the National School Lunch/School Breakfast Program application process. Parents or guardians must complete the National School Lunch/School Breakfast Program application on final forms to determine qualification.  


School Supplies  

When shopping for school supplies please use the linked list to determine your child(ren)'s supply needs.  

Elementary School Supply List  


Final Forms  

All students must be registered on Final Forms before the start of every school year. If you have registered in the past, it is as simple as logging into your account, updating, and signing.    



Meal prices for this year are $3.10 for lunch and $1.50 for breakfast.   

***The Free and Reduced Meal Application/Fee Waiver is available in Final Forms. ***

If your income meets the required guidelines as stated on the chart, you will make your selection underneath the Income Guidelines Chart, and then click on the Payschoolscentral.com link.  

If you do not have an account set up in Payschools, you will need to do this before completing the application. The meal application/fee waiver must be completed before the beginning of each school year.   


Bus Riders  

We encourage all students to ride the bus on the first day of school so that they are assigned a bus seat.  We have numerous volunteers assisting us during the first week of school and your child will learn where to go under the supervision of staff and PTC volunteers.    


Bus Routes  

All bus routes are available on our district website under transportation within the department's tab.    


Every Day Student Pickup Procedure  


While we encourage all students to ride the bus, we understand that some families need to pick up their children at the end of the school day. If your child(ren) will be picked up every day, please sign them up for Every Day Pickup. To do this, log in to Final Forms and select 'Pick Up' in the Afternoon on the Transportation Information Form.  

As an Every Day Pickup parent/guardian, we ask that you follow our Every Day Pickup Policies and Procedures to ensure a safe and smooth afternoon pickup process for everyone.  


Everyday Pick-up Car Line Procedures  


  • Parents will display a hanging car tag with the number assigned to their child(ren) on their rearview mirror.  
  • Parents affix corresponding number tags to their child(ren)’s backpack.   
  • Daily pick-up students will be dismissed to the cafeteria each afternoon at 3:08.    
  • Staff members are assigned to monitor the pick-up lane. Using the number assigned to your child(ren) displayed on your rearview mirror, staff members assigned to the pick-up lane will radio your child(ren)’s to staff assigned to support students in the cafeteria. 
  • Once the staff members in the cafeteria hear your child(ren)’s number your child(ren) will be released.    
  • Children need to be loaded on the passenger side of the car for safety purposes.  
  • To keep every student safe, we are requesting all drivers stay in their lane. Please don’t go around other cars in the pickup lane.   


Parent Communication 

We use the communication service REMIND as the main source of communication with families. Through REMIND, important school messages are sent out as necessary and our school newsletter East Spotlight is sent biweekly. You can sign up for Remind by texting 81010 with the message @FAEE.  


East’s PTC 

Look for information to come home from PTC within the first days of school telling how you can get involved. Many new activities are being planned for the school year, so you will not want to miss this opportunity to get involved. A great start is to follow East PTC on Facebook! Lots of great information for students and families!  



  • Our latchkey program is available before and after school and is currently housed at North Elementary.  
  • The hours are from 6:30 a.m. to the start of school and from the end of the school day to 6:00 p.m.  
  • Students attending am latchkey will need to be dropped off at North. A bus will provide transportation from North to East ensuring students arrive to school on time daily.  
  • Students attending p.mm latchkey will be transported to North Elementary at the end of each day. Students attending p.m. latchkey will need to be picked up at North Elementary before 6:00 pm.  
  • You need to register your child for our latchkey program prior to use.  
  • If you have any questions or concerns regarding our latchkey program, please contact Mischelle Price, FCSD Latchkey Program Coordinator, via e-mail at [email protected] or by phone at 513-623-5663.    

I am excited about the upcoming 2024-2025 school year and look forward to collaborating with East’s students, families, and community. Together, let's make the 24-25 school year one filled with growth, joy, and success for each student. If you have questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to call me at (513) 737-5000 or email me [email protected].



Roxanna Woyat