
You may review your data at any time throughout the school year to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update or as additional forms are added. For grades 6-12, some forms will require a student's signature. Instructions for parents and students to access their Final Forms account are below.
Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork processes at Fairfield City Schools!
- The Babysitter/Daycare Transportation Form will be electronic and available on Final Forms for the 2024-2025 school year. Alternate addresses only need to be provided if you are requesting school bus transportation to or from an address other than your residence. If your child rides to or from school on a daycare bus/van, you do not need to provide an alternate address.
- The Fee Waiver Eligibility Application will be available on July 1.
- Parking Pass applications for high school students will be available on June 1.
- Additional forms may be added to your student’s Final Forms account throughout the summer, or even into the school year. Please be sure to check your Final Forms account occasionally to be sure all forms have been signed and all contact information is up to date.
If you are currently a Fairfield parent who does not have a Final Forms account: Please email the Student Registration Center at [email protected] with the Parent/Guardian name and the name(s) of all your attending students. Once the information is provided to the Registration office, you will receive an email from Final Forms asking you to confirm your parent account. You will then be able to complete your student's Emergency Medical Authorization and back-to-school forms.
Newly enrolled and re-enrolled students will not be assigned an Office 365 account until the day after their enrollment with Fairfield has been completed.* All currently enrolled students should already have an Office 365 account. Instructions for accessing that account can be found by clicking here.
*Students in grades 6-12 enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year will be assigned an Office 365 account by July 26, 2024. Athletes will then be able to access Final Forms and complete all required forms in time for August 1, 2024 practices.
For any student who has never accessed their Fairfield email account through Office 365: You must log in to your Office 365 account. Once you have logged on to Office 365 for the first time, it will take approximately 15-30 minutes for your email account to be activated. Instructions for accessing your Fairfield Office 365 account can be found by clicking here.
To access your Final Forms account:
After your Fairfield email account has been activated, go to Final Forms, click LogIn under Student, and then click "Never logged in?" Provide your Fairfield student email address and click Send Secure Link. A confirmation email from Final Forms will be sent to your student email account. If you receive an error message, please email the Student Registration Center at [email protected] for assistance.
Back-to-school forms can only be signed by a student if the parent/guardian has completed their required forms.
Only students in grades 6-12 are required to sign forms via Final Forms.
Students who have already logged into Final Forms via their Fairfield student email can disregard this message.