Diversity Plan

Several years ago, the Fairfield Board of Education adopted the following belief statements to form the basis of our
equity work in the Fairfield City Schools:
- We believe a strength of the Fairfield City School District is our expanding, culturally diverse population.
- We believe all children can learn and achieve to their full potential.
In 2011, the Board adopted the district’s first Diversity Plan. Its expiration at the end of the 2014-2015 school year resulted in a review of the plan, its goals, and rationales. We want to continue our work to ensure these fundamental beliefs continue to be practiced in all of our buildings, classrooms, and in our daily interactions in the city and township communities. In 2018, we agreed to expand our plan to include economically disadvantaged students and our students with disabilities.
The Fairfield City School district is fortunate to serve students and their families who represent a number of diverse backgrounds. We will continue to work to meet their educational and social development needs. In the years since this plan was adopted, we have experienced significant population growth in this area. Our programs and services must reflect the ever-changing needs, and we must continue to promote a school community that embraces acceptance and denounces and takes action against prejudice and discrimination.
We are committed to ensuring the pillars/goals of this updated plan are carried out. We realize that along the way, we may need to tweak this plan to better fit the needs of our students, staff and community. The daily world of education can at times, be unpredictable. We must be poised for these moments to ensure that this plan evolves into a model that will teach us all to “live, learn, and work together in a vibrant and diverse world.”
Billy Smith