Social and Emotional Learning
Fairfield City School District has taken significant steps in the past several years to expand student services to help us educate and support the needs of the whole child. We have added school counselors to serve in our elementary schools and we partnered with Primary Health Solutions to provide medical, dental, and vision services at our School-Based Health Center.
We also partnered with NewPaths and Catalyst Counseling to provide our students with school-based counseling and created a Bullying and Harassment Officer position to support students across the district. In addition to our work in Fairfield, the Ohio Department of Education and Workforce (DEW) created Social and Emotional Learning Standards to be implemented in Ohio Schools. We are excited about these standards and are proud to see the work being done in Fairfield correspond with the vision of DEW.
An additional step we are taking this year is to assess our students in their social and emotional learning. We use a self-created student wellness survey given to grades 3-5.
We utilize this data on a school-wide basis to implement targeted lessons and strategies that will improve our building’s social-emotional competencies. We will also share individual results with parents and students so growth opportunities can be identified and developed at home. The purpose of this tool is similar to the assessments given in our academic core curriculum. We want to empower our students to grow both socially and academically, and we believe this additional feedback will help grow the whole child and put them on a path of continued success.
A copy of the survey questions is in the file list below.
To learn more about the state standards on Social and Emotional Learning visit: