Subject Areas » Math


We believe the Pre-K-12 Mathematics program ensures that every student understands and can use mathematics effectively in everyday life. Because it is present throughout life and society, mathematics is for everyone. Therefore, a balanced and effective pre-K to 12 mathematics education program strives to develop in each individual the means for using mathematics to enrich the experience of living.

Effective mathematics instruction involves tailoring instruction to the student’s learning style and ability, rewarding productive experimentation that leads to understanding, setting high but reasonable expectations, providing regular practice and review in key skills and concepts, teaching students to write about their mathematical thinking, and providing rich opportunities for students to talk with each other about mathematics. Effective instruction uses technology, when appropriate, to assist students in setting up and solving problems. However, technology is always used as a means toward increasing mathematics understanding, not as a crutch or substitute for learning to think.

Effective mathematics instruction provides systematic and ongoing opportunities for students to think, explore, and discover. Ohio’s Learning Standards for Mathematics (2017), include the Standards for Mathematical Content and Standards for Mathematical Practice.

The Standards for Mathematical Practice describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. These practices rest on important “processes and proficiencies” with longstanding importance in mathematics education.


Ohio tests students in mathematics through the OST (Ohio State Test) in grades 3-8. Algebra I and Geometry students take the EOC (End of Course) exams.

Fairfield administers the MAP (Measurement of Academic Progress) for mathematics 3 times a year in grades K – 8.