Section 504
Section 504
*View policies, regulations and forms at the bottom of this page.
Compliance Officer
Compliance officer for Section 504:
Kathy Gilbert
Director of Special Services
4641 Bach Lane
Fairfield, OH 45014
(513) 829-4311
Ms. Gilbert coordinates our district's compliance with Section 504 and handles complaints regarding any possible violations.
Please note: If you have questions, please contact an administrator at your child's school first. State that you are calling regarding a 504 question. The phone numbers for the schools are listed below.
Fairfield Senior High School: (513) 942-2999
Fairfield Academy: (513) 858-7600
Fairfield Freshman School: (513) 829-8300
Fairfield Creekside Middle School: (513) 829-4433
Fairfield Crossroads Middle School: (513) 829-4504
Central Elementary School: (513) 829-7979
Compass Elementary School: (513) 858-8700
East Elementary School: (513) 737-5000
North Elementary School: (513) 868-0070
South Elementary School: (513) 829-3078
West Elementary School: (513) 868-3021
Policies, Regulations and Forms: