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Solidarity Statement Plaque Dedicated at FHS

Go to Video Gallery Added Jan 14, 2022
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These four young women - Anais Fotsing, Brielle Shorter Anie Udosen, and Camilla Yankson are leaving their mark at Fairfield High School and across the district through their work with Fairfield For Change (FFC). As founding members of the student-led organization, they have been spreading awareness about various cultures, providing an outlet to amplify native voices, and sharing and honoring native history. Recently, they did so with the installation of plaques across the district. These plaques are engraved with the Statement of Solidarity that FFC members drafted in partnership with individuals and organizations relative to the native community. Each of the district buildings will have a plaque installed. This video depicts a dedication of the plaques and the first installation at Fairfield High School, where Anie, Anais, Brielle, and Camilla are seniors. These young women spent more than a year on this important project. We are proud to see that their dedication and hard work have resulted in a positive outcome.

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