What session will my child attend?
Attendance is based on your home address.
Can I request a session change for my child?
Session changes are not accepted for preschool children.
When will my child begin school?
Preschool follows the same calendar as the rest of the district. However, children must be 3 years of age prior to starting. Children can start at any time during the school year.
How many days a week will my child attend school?
The preschool program is Monday–Thursday, following the Fairfield City School District Calendar.
What are the session times?
Morning Session 9:30-12:10 a.m. at West Elementary
Afternoon Session 1:20-4:00 p.m. at West Elementary
Morning Session 8:45-11:25 a.m. at East Elementary
Afternoon Session 12:35-3:15 p.m. at East Elementary
If my currently enrolled child has a sibling, do they get preferential placement on the waiting list?
No, all children are placed on the waiting list in the order their name was received.
If you suspect your child has a disability or is delayed in his or her development, please call 829-4311.
What does my child need to bring? What school supplies are needed?
Facial Tissues
Facial Tissues
Paper Towels
Baby Wipes
Baby Wipes
Disinfecting Wipes
8 count crayons
8 count crayons
2 dry erase markers
2 glue sticks
2 glue sticks
Ziploc baggies (gallon – AM class; sandwich – PM class)
4 pack of Playdough (3 oz size)
4 pack of Playdough (3 oz size)
Family photo
1 pack of washable markers
1 pack of washable markers
Complete change of clothes including socks and shoes
Backpack big enough to hold a folder