Criminal Background Check/Fingerprinting
Every Fairfield City employee must be fingerprinted and receive BCI and FBI background checks before working in our district. The cost of this procedure is $47.25 payable by cash, money order (payable to Fairfield City Schools), MasterCard or VISA. No personal checks accepted. On the day of your appointment please bring your driver's license or State ID card. You will need to provide your Social Security number when you come in for your background check. Please note the District is unable to provide this service to the general public.
Fee: $47.25 for both the BCI and FBI background check; $25.25 for the FBI background check only; $22 for the BCI background check only
Location: 4641 Bach Lane, Fairfield, OH 45014
Contact Brandi Vitolo at 513.829.6300 to schedule an appointment