Food & Nutrition Services » Meal Charges & Payment Information

Meal Charges & Payment Information

While not required by USDA, it is the policy of the Fairfield City School District Food & Nutrition Services Department to allow students to charge meals when sufficient funds are not available during the student’s assigned meal period.
This policy allows students to receive a meal at both breakfast and lunch, charging up to (-$15.00). Once this charge limit has been reached, the student will then be offered either a peanut butter or cheese sandwich, with fresh fruit and/or vegetable, and a milk for lunch at a price of $1.00.
For breakfast, they may choose a breakfast entrée, fresh fruit or juice, and milk at a price of $1.50.
Students who are charging, have a negative balance, or owe charges are not permitted to purchase a la carte items such as snacks, extra milk, ice cream, etc. All funds that are brought in for the student’s account will be deposited toward the outstanding balance until the balance is paid in full.
Students will be notified when their balance becomes low or negative at the point of sale. Charge letters will be emailed or sent home monthly for accounts with a negative balance within this threshold. 
For the 2024-25 school year, the price of reduced and paid lunches will be as follows:
Grades Breakfast Lunch 
K-5 $1.50 $3.10
6-12 $1.50 $3.20
Reduced Price Students, All Ages $0.00 $0.00
**For the 2024-25 school year, families that qualify for reduced price meals will receive meals at no cost! 
Feel that your family may qualify for the Free and Reduced-Price Meal Program, click here for more information. 
Taking advantage of the options to prepay your student(s) meal account has a ton of perks! Prepaid meal accounts help decrease the time your student spends in the lunch line and gives your student(s) more time to eat, relax, and play. Prepaid means lunch money can never be lost, stolen, or used for things other than lunch. Click here to start prepaying via Payschools Central!
Not interested in prepaying?
We have other options for you! Cash or Check may be sent with a student or brought to the front office of your student's building. Please place funds in an envelope marked clearly with your student's name, their ID #, their teacher's name, the $ amount, and the check #. Please make all checks payable to Fairfield City School District. 
Fairfield City School District Food & Nutrition Services is an equal opportunity provider.