West Elementary » Student Absences

Student Absences

Reporting Absences
State law requires that parents notify the school office to report tardiness or absence from school, preferably via email.  An email address has been established for attendance purposes.  Parents may use the following address to report student absences:  [email protected]
A total of 42 hours of parent notes may be used for excused absences.  After 42 hours, we must receive a doctor/dentist/court/funeral document to be considered excused.
      *  Email for illness - this uses parent note hours.
When appropriate, please request a doctor/dentist/court/funeral document to be submitted to the school.
      *Email a doctor note OR send in a paper copy - only one form of documentation is needed.
If you choose to call in, we still need to receive written notification of a child's absence within 3 days of the child's return to school in order for the absence to be considered excused.   Excessive unexcused absences may result in letters from the district, meetings with building administrator (s) or potential involvement with the district truancy officer.
Please refer to the West Family Guide for more in-depth information regarding attendance procedures.