PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS: Mr. Braam English 10 Assignments Over the Unexpected Break

I hope this note finds you all safe and well. 
In the semi-chaos that has been the past 24 hours, I have come up with what is the first of what may be many assignments until we return to school. (which I hope, for everyone's sake, is soon).
We are starting off with an AIR practice test from the Ohio Department of Education website. Instructions on how to reach it online have been posted. Paper copies of the exam are available at the high school, but it is to your benefit to take it electronically, because that is how the test is administered when you will take it for real for points toward graduation.
I have also included Tips and Tricks to Ace the AIR Test handout. Please read and absorb!
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]. I will be checking my email daily, and will return your email ASAP (though it will unlikely be immediate).
If you cannot reach me by email, you may also call the high school and leave a message ... TALK TO A LIVE PERSON; DO NOT LEAVE A VOICEMAIL!!!
They will get me the message.
Be aware that the high school will be open every day over the next three weeks. I will be here for some/many of the days, though not all. Administrators will be here every day. Please also know that the school be providing lunches every day during the week, will send home breakfasts  after the lunch, and that all Butler County residents are welcome to eat. Also be aware that the FHS Pantry can provide a bag of groceries for the weekend to go home on Fridays.
Finally, be aware that I am worried about all of my kids and their families. If you find yourself at any time needing help or guidance, please let me or the school know and we will do everything we can to help you out. This will be a tough -- even dangerous -- time for all of us ... let us try to get through it together. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. 
Be safe.