"Why Should We Proofread?" Examples 2019-20

Attached is a PowerPoint presentation called "Why Should We Proofread?" that we watched and discussed in class on Thursday, August, 2019. It discusses why the ability to proofread is crucial for everyone, gives many examples of horrible proofreading, plus discusses some tips and tricks on how to improve proofreading skills.
FYI: Students were alerted today to a year-round extra-credit opportunity that involves proofreading. If at any time a student sees a local permanent sign that has bad grammar and/or spelling (such as the examples found in the presentation), then they can take a photo of it and email it to me at [email protected] along with an explanation of what it is, where it is, what is wrong with the sign and how you would go about fixing it. I frequently then also post that new example online on this webpage!