Students Taking Pre-AP, AP Lang, or Other Advanced Courses in 2018-19

This is just a reminder for all students who are planning on taking Pre-AP or AP Language in English (or, truthfully, in any advanced course).
* You MUST get your summer reading assignments and 2 books from Mr. Braam, if you have not done so already 
* If you plan to drop the course and stay in the CCR track, you MUST go to your counselor and officially drop the advanced course BEFORE the end of this school year. All students still registered in the course over the summer will be expected to have done the summer assignments, and will NOT be allowed to drop the course next year. They will receive a zero for the assignments that are due on the first day of school. This is a change from previous years. There is no problem dropping now; however, you will -- again -- NOT be able to drop the courses later.
Decide Now!!!