Week of Tuesday, September 8th!

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday weekend!  
When we return on Tuesday, we will have a very busy four days!  In reading, we will continuing with our theme of communities.  We will be focusing on topic and main ideas using our reading selection.  We will also work on comparing genres of realistic non-fiction and photo essays.  Our phonics skills will include short o and multisyllabic words such as bottom and cannot.  We will have the same vocabulary words as last week, except this week we will be working on the skill of multiple meaning words such as brush and saw.  SPELLING WORDS CAME HOME on Thursday.  These words are a little harder, so I wanted to make sure you had them over the weekend if needed since we don't return until Tuesday.  Homework folders will go out on Tuesday.  We will continue working on complete sentences and punctuation.  We will also be working on our writing prompt of what your child wants to be when they grow up and how their job will help their community.
We will work on comparing 3 digit numbers and work on greater than/less than in math.  We will continue working on number patterns and using strategies to figure out what the actual pattern is within the numbers given.
We will be observing Patriot's Day on the 11th.  We will be discussing 9-11 events and learn more about why this day is important to our country.  We will be reading books written by kids about the topic, watch an educational clip, and we will be making a really neat craft.
We will be MAP testing as well!  Please make sure your child has a good night's sleep and a good breakfast!
Have a great weekend! :)