North Elementary Community Diversity Alliance Meeting (Public Welcome)

North Elementary Community Diversity Alliance Meeting (Public Welcome)
2/7/2017, 5:00 PM 6:00 PM
North Elementary School

Community Diversity Alliance (CDA)


We are currently recruiting parents to join our building CDA.  Our district has been committed to addressing the achievement gap of the students we serve. We know and understand that research proves that even when factors such as childhood experiences, parenting skills and socioeconomic status are removed, students from racial minority groups do not do as well academically as their white peers. We, as a district, believe that this issue is not one of the students’ but a result of how WE teach and relate to our students.  It is our hope that through our continuous efforts we will remain committed to closing the achievement gap and providing the best educational experience possible for ALL of our students.

Our building CDA will be comprised of parents and teachers.  We will discuss diversity issues as they relate to our students and the education of our children.

Our plan is to meet three times this year: Sept. 13, Feb. 7 and Mar. 14 from 5:00-6:00 p.m. at the school.  We will open the meetings up to anyone interested in coming, however, we are looking for a few parents to commit to attending all three meetings this year. 
Please notify Mrs. Hayes if you are interested in participating and being a consistent part of the team.  

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