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Syllabus CCR 10 English 2019-20

Attached is the syllabus for CCR English 10, 2019-20. It was distributed on Wed., Aug. 21, and it was discussed on and off over several days. Students and parents are to read, fill in information, sign, and return to school by Mon. Aug. 26. The signature means that the students and parents have, read, understood and acknowledge the rules and expectations for the class.

Why We Proofread ... (A Continuing Series)

There isn't much funny about this proofreading error. It is just one more example of how students in my class can get some extra credit points in the closing days of the 2018-19 school year and help "renovate" their grades!
(A reminder: Just take a photo of a local sign or current TV graphic that contains a grammar or spelling mistake, then send it to me along with the background info of where you saw it, what is wrong with it and what it should say.

Final Locker Cleanout for Sophomores and Juniors

Below is a note from our administration dealing with locker cleanout next week for juniors and sophomores:

"In an effort to ensure we do not interfere with any last-minute review sessions for students taking exams on Tuesday, we will have locker cleanout for underclassmen on Monday, May 20t during 3rd period.  Here’s the plan:

·         Sophomores will be released at the beginning of 3rd period (9:50) to their   Prior to their release please let them know they are expected to be back in their 3rd period at 10:05.  The 15-minute timeframe forces them to move quickly.  

·         Juniors will be released at 10:15 to their lockers.

o   Prior to their release please let them know they are expected to be back in their 3rd period at 10:30.  The 15-minute timeframe forces them to move quickly..

Similar to the past couple years…

Custodians and Jenn Carroll’s TREE Club will, once again, have recycling bins available to help minimize trash/waste

  • Jenn Carroll and the members of TREE Club will have boxes available for gently used or new school supplies to be taken to the Student Food Pantry for 2019-2020 students in need.
  • Textbooks will be returned to Maria Buschmann
  • Support staff, security members, maintenance, and administrators will be present to help facilitate the process.  
  • Given that the end of the year is approaching, if a student is finishing a critical assignment during the scheduled time, please have them stay in your classroom and finish the assignment.  Please encourage the student to clean his/her locker out before the end of the day.

Final Locker Cleanout for Sophomores and Juniors

Below is a note from our administration dealing with locker cleanout next week for juniors and sophomores:

"In an effort to ensure we do not interfere with any last-minute review sessions for students taking exams on Tuesday, we will have locker cleanout for underclassmen on Monday, May 20t during 3rd period.  Here’s the plan:

·         Sophomores will be released at the beginning of 3rd period (9:50) to their   Prior to their release please let them know they are expected to be back in their 3rd period at 10:05.  The 15-minute timeframe forces them to move quickly.  

·         Juniors will be released at 10:15 to their lockers.

o   Prior to their release please let them know they are expected to be back in their 3rd period at 10:30.  The 15-minute timeframe forces them to move quickly..

Similar to the past couple years…

Custodians and Jenn Carroll’s TREE Club will, once again, have recycling bins available to help minimize trash/waste

  • Jenn Carroll and the members of TREE Club will have boxes available for gently used or new school supplies to be taken to the Student Food Pantry for 2019-2020 students in need.
  • Textbooks will be returned to Maria Buschmann
  • Support staff, security members, maintenance, and administrators will be present to help facilitate the process.  
  • Given that the end of the year is approaching, if a student is finishing a critical assignment during the scheduled time, please have them stay in your classroom and finish the assignment.  Please encourage the student to clean his/her locker out before the end of the day.

FYI: Finals, Late Work, and Passes

Just a quick reminder:
* All courses will have a final or final presentation.
My classes will have a final on the following days:
Tuesday: Bells 1 and 6
Wednesday: Bells 2 and 7
Thursday: Bells 3, 4 and 5
* All late work for my classes must be turned in by Monday, May 20
* Also, leftover hall passes are to be turned in Monday for extra credit (as long as the student has not skipped a class during 4th quarter).

READ ME: Tips and Tricks to Ace the AIR/EOC Tests at FHS

Attached is a list of tips and tricks for taking the EOC AIR tests that will be coming up just one short week after we return from Spring break. I wrote, compiled, and edited these, and then the school decided to make them available to all students. Perhaps my biggest tip? Bring your own mouse to use for the laptops, instead of using the touch pad. (Plus many more tips!)
NOTE: This also include an exam week schedule, plus it contains a number of links that have more information for all AIR tests (such as math, science and social studies courses).

Why We Proofread (A Continuing Series)

Our first example found this quarter of "Why We Proofread" comes from an alert student who discovered this TV typo last night while hoping that Fairfield might get a delay or be closed. 
Be alert for this type of mistake, take a picture of it, and send it in along with an explanation to earn extra credit!


FYI: The district has announced that it will swapping methods of online payments beginning Monday, Jan. 7, 2019. That means that EZPay will be going away and being replaced by PaySchools (balances will transfer). 
To use the new system, parents will have to re-register. For more information about the switch go to the District home page (the attached photo is what you will see on that page).


Attention parents who would like a part-time job that works only 3 hours a day in the middle of the day. Cafeteria positions are open at several Fairfield schools. See the attached file that has more information

Why We Proofread (A Continuing Series)

I am sort of disappointed that I have not had many students turn in  proofreading mistakes on signs for credit this year!
Here is an example of the kind of thing I am looking for (even though this "mistake" was made on purpose by the sign maker).
Remember, commas save lives!

FYI: PSAT Testing for All Sophomores and Juniors on Oct. 10

Parents and Students,
Be aware that the PSAT will be given during the schoolday on Oct. 10 for all Sophomores and Juniors. Below is information that will be discussed during homeroom on Thursday, Sept. 20 (however, I figured I would give you an early look in case you have questions!):
  • WHO takes the test?  
    • ALL sophomores and juniors at FHS that are present on test date
    • If absent, no makeups permitted
    • What about seniors?  
    • Seniors have 2 options:
      • Go on a college visit or technical school visit
      • Job Shadow
      • Perform some sort of community service
      • 1) Come to school at 8 am and go straight to the PAC for a presentation designed specifically for seniors that will include various options for after high school
      • 2) Do not come to school and instead…
    • Seniors need to print out this document (type this into your web browser, if viewing on paper - ) and have signed by 1st bell Thurs. 10/11 for an excused absence
      • Extra copies of the document are available in the front office
  • WHAT is this?  
  • WHAT do students need to bring?
    • Bring themselves... on time to school!  
    • #2 pencil(s) and eraser(s)
    • PSAT-approved calculator -
  • WHEN is the test?
  • WHERE is the test being taken?  
    • Various classrooms in the building
    • Students should know where to go BEFORE Wed. 10/10
  • WHY take the PSAT?
Please use this link: to submit any questions you have about the PSAT and someone will get back in touch with you quickly.