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School of Braam Video COVID-19 #4

This is Mr. Braam's fourth School of Braam video for his 2019-20 students from his "Life in the Time of Corona" series. In it are some important updates from the district, plus a number of important links to Remind, HW. and other crucial information.

How To Find HW for Mr. Braam and Other Classes

The following link takes you to the official FHS list of teachers and their links to their HW (including mine):
You can always just go directly to mine at:
which has announcements, notes, etc, and the direct links to my Home Page

and my two HW pages (depending on whether you have me for English 10 or Journalism: or




     Some students and parents have written me, concerned about the fact that they have assignments marked “Missing” and that their 4th-quarter grades seem very low. 


     The reason I have marked them Missing is so that both students and parents are alerted to the fact that there are assignments out there to be done (I literally had no assignments turned in until I marked things missing in Progressbook!)

     Please note that NOTHING is marked “Late” and no one is being punished. I am not taking points off for being late, and as soon as I receive something, I go into Progressbook and take out the missing. I have due dates mostly so students keep the work flowing and do not get backed up.

     I also know that some people have different issues/capabilities in ways to turn things in. Here are your options:

     The school is no longer open any time on any days, due to the state orders. Ugh.

So turn-in options now are to either:

  1.   Scan them with a printer or phone and send them to me by email (preferably as a PDF)
  2.   Take a photo of them with your phone and send them to me by email
  3.   Send them to me by snail mail!
  4.   No printer? A. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper and then take a photo and send them to me. or B.Work on them online and send them as attachments (if it was something posted online)
  1.   Any other method that you can think of not listed here
  2.   If none of these work (and you cannot think of any other method!), then you can send me an email saying so and then hang on to them until we (hopefully) return to school! The key thing is to communicate.
  3.   If No. 6 turns out to be the case and we never do return to school, I will likely make a giant roadtrip to pick up assignments at some point!

I hope this helps. Again, please do not stress out.

Stay safe ... and stay home!

Mr. Braam

Braam Video COVID 3

This is the next School of Braam "Life in the Time of Corona" COVID-19 video, when Mr. Braam tells all of his students thanks for (finally!) sending in HW ... and to JUST STAY AT HOME (and explains why they need to stay at home, in no uncertain terms).

Google Doc Link to List of Assignments!

In addition to the emails that send out links to any new posts I make on my website, I have also created a Google Doc that is being updated with a list of every assignment I have made, plus instructions on how to reach them.
The link to that Google Doc is
Stay safe!

Mr. Braam

Assignment 1: Ohio AIR Practice Tests 2020

Attached are instructions for how to reach the Ohio AIR practice tests on the Ohio Department of Education web site. These are actual tests from previous years. Over the first week of unexpected tests, students are to take the 2019 ELA II test.
Additional work will be assigned for both this week and following weeks. Please visit this website as needed.  

PLEASE READ: HW Page Subscription Also Needed

PLEASE READ THIS NOTE: I am receiving a number of emails from students saying they are having difficulty finding the posted HW for while we are out of school.
In almost every single case, it was because the student had not subscribed back in August to both my Home Page (which is largely used for announcements)

and to my HW Page (which is largely where all HW and presentations are posted) 

Please make sure that you and your parents are subscribed to both. 

Request from FHS Counselors

The following is a note from the Fairfield HS counselors: 

Hi Everyone!
We decided to create a contact information sheet for the sophomores and juniors, too!  Below is a link to a 3 question Microsoft Form.  There is one for each grade level.  If you teach junior or sophomores and have an easy way of sharing this with them and encouraging them to complete it, we would appreciate it. 
This reminder will also be posted on our social media.  

Current Juniors:
Current Sophomores:

Braam Video COVID #2

Date: March 24, 2020. Please watch the following video to the end. New announcements about the class and the school.


Greetings to all of Mr. Braam's students in both his CCR English 10 and Journalism classes. 
I hope you and your families are all safe. 
Here is an IMMEDIATE assignment in Week 2 for all of my students, to be finished by today (Tuesday, March 24). 
So that I can tell who is receiving these announcements, I need each and every one of you to contact me at [email protected] with an email stating your name and bell number. Send the email as soon as you see this.
I understand that some of you are having difficulties with computer/Internet access; this is my way of tracking that. Those students/families whom I do not receive an email from will then be receiving a phone call from me!!!!
Note #1: This assignment will be marked as missing in Progressbook -- beginning Wednesday -- until I have some form of communication with you. 
Note #2: Even if I have been in contact with you already for other reasons, you are still required to respond to this assignment (so that I know you are receiving these notifications).
Note #3: I still need to start receiving assignments back from Week #1:
CCR English 10 students:
1. Simply tell me if you have gone to the ODE website and taken the practice EOC exam; 2. Send me the worksheet on Metaphors/Similes.
Feel free to tell me about the EOC test and to attach the metaphor worksheet to the email you send me for this assignment!!!
Journalism students:
1. If you have not done so, send me the response to the Peter Copeland video, either as an attachment or as a Google link. 
(If you have to, you can take photos of the completed HW assignments and send them to me. Always include your name and bell in any communication) 

Mr. Braam Video 1

A video message from Mr. Braam. It is just over 1 minute long and discusses the near future.
Description of where to find link



Please be aware that almost all of the homework will be posted in the CLASSES section of my School Website page. They can be found by clicking on the appropriate link above (as shown in the photo).
Please feel free to me email me with any questions at [email protected]
Many, if not all of the assignments, can also be picked up in print versions at the high school.
Additional notes and announcements may also be posted on these pages. An email is automatically generated and sent out at approximately 5:30 p.m. on any day that I post something new to anyone who has subscribed to my page. (Have not subscribed yet? Students were to subscribe themselves and their parents waaaaay back in August, but instructions on how to subscribe are posted in a link above!)
NOTE: Additional assignments will be posted from time to time, and the emails will continue whenever a new one is posted. The assignments will be of varying degrees of difficulty and length. My advice is to not postpone lessons, but to do them relatively immediately, as you will only get behind if you wait.
I promise that I will not overwhelm you with volume. Also, if your printer is not working, please just write out responses on a separate piece of paper (though I would prefer it to be on a copy of the lesson for grading purposes!)
As always, be safe. I miss you all.

PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS: Mr. Braam English 10 Assignments Over the Unexpected Break

I hope this note finds you all safe and well. 
In the semi-chaos that has been the past 24 hours, I have come up with what is the first of what may be many assignments until we return to school. (which I hope, for everyone's sake, is soon).
We are starting off with an AIR practice test from the Ohio Department of Education website. Instructions on how to reach it online have been posted. Paper copies of the exam are available at the high school, but it is to your benefit to take it electronically, because that is how the test is administered when you will take it for real for points toward graduation.
I have also included Tips and Tricks to Ace the AIR Test handout. Please read and absorb!
If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]. I will be checking my email daily, and will return your email ASAP (though it will unlikely be immediate).
If you cannot reach me by email, you may also call the high school and leave a message ... TALK TO A LIVE PERSON; DO NOT LEAVE A VOICEMAIL!!!
They will get me the message.
Be aware that the high school will be open every day over the next three weeks. I will be here for some/many of the days, though not all. Administrators will be here every day. Please also know that the school be providing lunches every day during the week, will send home breakfasts  after the lunch, and that all Butler County residents are welcome to eat. Also be aware that the FHS Pantry can provide a bag of groceries for the weekend to go home on Fridays.
Finally, be aware that I am worried about all of my kids and their families. If you find yourself at any time needing help or guidance, please let me or the school know and we will do everything we can to help you out. This will be a tough -- even dangerous -- time for all of us ... let us try to get through it together. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. 
Be safe. 

Tips and Tricks to Ace the AIR Test at FHS 2020

Attached are Tips and Tricks to Ace the AIR Test at FHS. This is a guide to help you pass the AIR test EOCs when we return from our unexpected break. Please, for your own sake, read and absorb these tips to being successful at the tests ... after all, it could be the difference between graduating and not graduating.

LATE WORK for 3rd Quarter ... TURN IT IN!!!


Greetings, parents and students:
By now you may have heard that Fairfield schools will close for three weeks following school tomorrow. (REPEAT: WE DO HAVE SCHOOL FRIDAY!!!)
There are many students who still have late work out that needs to be turned in. I not talking about something that was due in the last two days; I am talking about work that is literally, in many cases, weeks late, if not months late. I have been more than fair about accepting things beyond deadline, but ...
I cannot put it any simpler ... TURN IT IN. Bring it to school Friday AND TURN IT IN.
I have been telling students EVERY day for two weeks how much time is left in the quarter, so they have been well aware that the clock was ticking. Do you need to scan it and send it to me? I am at [email protected].
Do you need to go online and complete assignments? Log on and get it done.
Please, do not just ignore this message ... if you need to ask me questions or tell me something about extenuating circumstances, then communicate with me in whatever manner it takes, but, again, do NOT just ignore this message.
And, whatever method it takes, get late work to me. TURN IT IN!!!!!!

P.S. I will send additional messages as I learn more about what is happening within the district!