Week of Monday, January 25th!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!  I'm glad we have a full week ahead of us!
We are moving right along in unit 5.  We will be focusing on our main selection, a poem, "What Makes the Seasons".  Our skill will be comparing and contrasting as well as reviewing visualizing.  We will also dig into diagrams for our text feature.  Our phonics skill will be words with "oo", "ue", and endings er, and est.  We will focus on compound sentences for grammar and work on a seasons writing to help with our skill of compare/contrast.  Students will also learn more about paragraph writing.
We will be starting a new chapter in math, "Customary Measurement of Length".  We will focus on using a ruler to estimate and measure length, focusing on feet first.  We will compare lengths and find the difference in lengths of objects using feet.  Please make sure to look for the Home-School Connections letter that will come home tomorrow!  We will also start our next fluency skill: +8. 
Each year, Central has their awesome Multicultural Night.  This is a night for each class to showcase their classroom's country.  Second grade each has an African country.  Our country is Tanzania.  We will spend this week learning about where Tanzania is and important facts about our country.  In a couple of weeks, students will be assigned individual projects.  More information will be sent home later. 
***Important Reminders!***
He & Me Cake Decorating Contest-Friday, February 5th at 7p.m.
Club's Choice Fundraiser Kick-off!   More information will be sent home with students!
Have a wonderful week! :)