Transportation » Enter Your Address, Get Bus Stop Info

Enter Your Address, Get Bus Stop Info

WebQuery helps you determine the schools a student is eligible to attend and the available bus stops. WebQuery also provides a helpful street map.
Just enter the student's information and click "Go."
WebQuery helps you match your typed-in address with an address in the database by allowing you to enter a partial street name. For example, you could enter "2555 Lex" to match "2555 Lexington Ave N."
Click the following link to begin:
The information on this website is for informational purposes only. Every effort has been made to assure the accuracy of the information provided, however, some information may be inaccurate. Information is subject to change. Please call the Transportation Department at (513) 829-6603 to report any inconsistencies or to verify attendance zone and transportation eligibility information.
Please make note when planning for the 2024-2025 school year:
Transportation for general education students in grades 9 and 10 will be eliminated.
Only those students in grades K-8 whose residence is more than two miles from their home school are eligible for transportation, regardless of sitters, daycares, etc.
***Times may change as new students enroll so be sure to check stop information the night before school starts.
 You may also see yellow buses rolling during bus practice runs prior to school start dates. Thank you for your patience as we gear up for the start of a new school year!