Week of Monday, May 16!

I can't believe it's our last full week!
As mentioned last week, we will have NO homework this week.  We will be spending this week on our Memory books and getting "autographs" from our classmates.  We will also be doing some fun activities in class as well as starting the process of cleaning out our desks!  Reading and math workbooks will be sent home.  Please remember, not all chapters in math were covered, only 2nd grade Common Core.  However, some of the workbook pages we didn't complete will be great review for them over the summer. 
We will have our final math test over chapter 19 this Tuesday.  "Study guides" were sent home last Thursday!
Also, readers from our old series came home on Friday.  I will be sending some more this week!  PLEASE KEEP THEM!  They will be great for your child to use during the summer to keep up their skills!  They should have brought home paperback readers AND a big hard anthology book. 
I'll be sending home "summer" packets of some work they can do during the summer to keep them ready for 3rd grade.  If returned next year, they will be given a prize for their hard work!
We have Fun and Field Day on Thursday!  Please make sure your child dresses appropriately!  This means clothes they can get dirty and run around in and gym shoes!  We will be playing different games and sports outside!
I am wanting to do a special lunch on the last day of school and bring all the kids lunch.  We will be eating all together in the classroom.  I am still in the middle of planning and organizing but I will keep you posted and send something home in the middle of the week!
Don't forget to have your child practice their talent for the talent show!  They should be preparing at home!
Have a great week! :)