Week of Monday, April 25th!

I hope everyone had a great weekend!
We will continue with unit 8 this week!  We will work on analyzing elements of poetry and reviewing dictionary skills.  We will focus on words with final syllables C+le, -tion, and -ture.  We will continue working on prepositions in grammar.
We will start wrapping up our math chapter on picture graphs.  Students will complete the study guide this week and bring it home on Thursday.  Our test will be next week.  We will review interpreting data and solve real-world problems using picture graphs.
We will begin our next social studies unit and focus on economics.  We will learn about needs vs. wants and the role of consumers, producers, and savers.  We will also learn about goods and services!
***Important Reminders***
Our field trip is Tuesday!  PLEASE remember that ALL students need to pack their lunch!  Also, ALL PERMISSION FORMS MUST BE TURNED IN!  We will be going rain or shine so make sure your child is dressed appropriately!
Have a fantastic week! :)