Week of Monday, October 26th!

We are ready for another great week!
We are moving right along into Unit 3 in reading.  This unit will focus on the big question, "Where does water come from?".  We will be reading, talking, and writing about the water cycle and learning how water is a natural resource.  We will be starting our new unit with our main story from our anthology, "Frog Brings Rain".  We will focus on identifying problem and solution for our comprehension skill.  In phonics, we will focus on long a words as well as multisyllabic words.  We will also learn more about adjectives and how to use them correctly when comparing nouns.  Please make sure to look for the newsletter that will come home Monday to explain our new unit and our new vocabulary words!  Remember, students will be bringing home their reading book each Thursday!  Since last week was their leveled reader, they will bring home their anthology book to read to you!
In writing, we are continuing to edit and publish our scary stories.  Students are learning that it takes quite a while to edit their writing pieces and make them perfect for publishing!  We will continue with this for the next couple of weeks!  We will start sharing the finished products later this week and continue to share in author's chair as they finish publishing!
We will continue with Chapter 3 in math, subtraction with regrouping.  We will move on with subtracting across with zeroes.  This can be a bit tricky!  Please make sure to support them with their homework if needed!  We are still working hard on checking our answers with addition and making sure we go back and fix anything if needed!  Please continue to support this at home!
We will finish up continents and oceans this week for social studies and move straight into land-forms!  Students are LOVING the continents and oceans songs we have been learning!  There will be a continents and oceans quiz at the end of the week!
Picture Retake Day is this Thursday, the 29th!
Keep sending in those box-tops!
Please make sure to look at the Winter Raffle Basket Fundraiser paper that came home last week!  It will be held in conjunction with our Literacy Night!  More information on literacy night will go home soon!  The 2nd grade theme is Boy Theme: this can include cars, trucks, hats, ninjas, games, super heroes, or anything else a boy would enjoy!  More details are on the flyer!
Our Halloween party is Friday!  Please make sure to look over the costume flyer that came home a few weeks ago to make sure your costume is acceptable!  Nothing violent, no masks, and kid friendly!  Your child will be changing into their costume before the party so please send them in normal clothes!  Remember, since the building of our new school has started, parking is very limited!  FOR THE DAY OF THE PARTY- no parking will be allowed on the playground.  We do have permission for parents to park at the Freshman School.  
Have a great week!