Week of Monday, October 19th!

I can't believe we are already on our last week for Unit 2 in reading!  We will work on the new skill of describing elements of a poem for this week BUT this week also serves as the Unit 2 testing week, so their reading test will have a cumulative skills test for everything we have learned in this unit!  As always, we will take the reading test on Friday.  Our phonics/spelling skill will focus on digraphs: sh and ph as well as words ending in -ed and -ing.  Remember, no new vocabulary words but the test will be a cumulative review of previous vocabulary skills.  We will also be using this week to review skills such as plot, making inferences, identifying facts, and comparing.  We will continue working on verbs in grammar and work on finishing our scary stories!  Please be on the lookout for homework that will help reinforce skills we have learned!  It will be in their homework folders and written down in their planners!
We will continue with Chapter 3 in math.  Please make sure to look at papers that come home to see how your child is doing with subtraction and regrouping!  We will focus on regrouping in the hundreds and tens, in the hundreds, tens, and ones, and story problems with regrouping!  Again, homework will be coming home to reinforce skills taught in class!  We will be focusing on -3 for our fast fact skill!  Students are doing a wonderful job with their facts and earning those snacks for our trail mix!
We will continue working on continents and start leaning our 5 oceans!  Students learned a fun little song last week to help us remember our continents, we will continue this with some other map activities!
*The weather is starting to cool off!  Some students are complaining of being cold during recess!  Please send in jackets or sweatshirts if your child needs one!
*Chipotle Dine to Donate is on the 22nd!  Flyers came home last week!
*Please empty your child's red homework folder each week!  The only items that should be in there each Friday are homework papers they are turning in! 
Thanks for your support!  Have a great week! :)