Welcome back!

We have had a wonderful two days back at school!  We have made many new friends!  Our activities have mostly consisted of learning classroom and school routines and procedures as well as learning about our new school-wide behavior system.  We learned our "school" rules and what HERO means.  Ask your child to see if they remember! H- Honesty, E- safE, R- Respectful, and O- respOnsible. 
In the classroom, we are making our own rules to follow.  Students brainstormed different ideas and suggestions for rules in our very own classroom.  We are still working on them and we will be getting the list down to 3-5 main rules using positive language. (Do instead of don't!)  We have been discussing WHY we come to school and some of our goals this year.  Each student is setting their own goal and our rules will help us achieve them in some aspect!
Next week, we will begin reviewing short/long vowels as well as sight words.  I will be assessing students to see where they are at.  We will also be administering the 2nd grade DIBELS assessment to check reading fluency.  We will begin Chapter 1 in math, make sure to look at the Home School Connection letter explaining the chapter!  The letter will come home Monday.  We will continue working on creating our classroom rules and discussing the importance of working as a community.
I will be sending home a volunteer form for those of you who can help out during the school year!  Please be on the lookout for this paper in the middle of the week!
Also, homework folders will not come home next week.  They will continue to write, "Read 20 min.", in their trackers daily.  Please make sure to initial their tracker each night!  This is their only homework next week since we are reviewing and testing.
Please remember, students are allowed to bring a snack as long as it is healthy and handy!
Have a great weekend! :)