Special Services » Special Services Programs

Special Services Programs


Inclusion- The state of Ohio and the Federal Government encourage the participation of students with disabilities in classes with non-disabled peers to the fullest extent possible. This is referred to as Inclusion and is in line with an effort to always provide educational services within a student's Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). Students in inclusion settings may require some modifications and/or accommodations in order to be able to access the general education curriculum, but they would still be required, to the extent possible, to meet the expectations of this curriculum.

Pull Out- Sometimes, services are provided outside of the regular education environment. These services are often referred to as Pull Out services. For example, a student may be pulled out of a portion of language arts class to receive speech services.

Part-Time Resource Room- When it has been shown that a student is not able to succeed in the general education classroom, partial day placement in a resource room setting may be appropriate. Resource rooms are classes composed only of students with disabilities and taught by intervention specialists. Curriculum is often presented at a slower, more individualized pace in resource room settings.

Full-Time Resource Room - Students who are unable to progress in a partial day resource room placement may require a more intensive program of services including full-day placement in a resource room. This may or may not include modified art, music, and/or physical education. These students may also require supports during lunch and recess.


Cognitive Disability
Emotional Disturbance
Hearing Impairment
Multiple Disabilities
Orthopedic Impairment
Other Health Impairment
Specific Learning Disability
Speech or Language Impairment
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visual Impairment